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Warren Select Custom Filmpaks

Warren Select Custom Filmpaks

Warren Select Custom Filmpaks are designed for use in aircraft, automotive, nuclear, R & D, and other applications where the use of normal film cuts and sizes is impossible or extremely impractical, and dark-room hand-cutting is a waste of time.

These custom x-ray films are shape-cut to the special radiography inspection requirements of uniquely contoured objects and areas, for which conventional film sizes cannot be used.

Warren Select Filmpaks are combined film/cassette holder units, pre-cut to shapes and sizes ready for immediate use at any location. Filmpaks eliminate the inappropriate time and material waste of darkroom hand-cutting and change the inspection of difficult subjects from an otherwise tedious procedure into a quick and relatively easy routine.

They are ideal for use where conventional film will not fit available spaces, cannot be placed sufficiently close to the subject, will not permit coverage of a total area, or would involve more than one shot.

Cassette holders are made of disposable vinyl. Since cost is minimal as compared to hand-cutting time and material waste, the economic advantage fully justifies the use of convenient Filmpaks.



     Supply of pre-cut film and intensifying screens with re-
     loadable cassettes - for use where fine-edge toler-
     ances are not required and darkroom loading is


  1. Eliminates time and material waste of darkroom
    cutting, taping, light leaks, etc.
  2. Film pre-cut to any desired size or shape.
  3. Cassettes pre-loaded, ready for use.
  4. Can be single or double loaded.
  5. Easy to unload.
  6. Minimal, uniform cassette tolerances.
  7. Dirt and dust free.
  8. Optimum source/film distance
  9. Total inspection area coverage

A Warren Associates Brand


(412) 766 5757  |  2901 Brighton Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15212, United States  |  © 2025 Warren Associates. All Rights Reserved.

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